Section 10571 Of Part 2.4. Rainwater Capture Act Of 2012 From California Water Code >> Division 6. >> Part 2.4.
. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) As California has grown and developed, the amount of
stormwater flowing off buildings, parking lots, roads, and other
impervious surfaces into surface water streams, flood channels, and
storm sewers has increased, thereby reducing the volume of water
allowed to infiltrate into groundwater aquifers and increasing water
and pollution flowing to the ocean and other surface waters. At the
same time, recurring droughts and water shortages in California have
made local water supply augmentation and water conservation efforts a
(b) Historical patterns of precipitation are predicted to change,
with two major implications for water supply. First, an increasing
amount of California's water is predicted to fall not as snow in the
mountains, but as rain in other areas of the state. This will likely
have a profound and transforming effect on California's hydrologic
cycle and much of that water will no longer be captured by California'
s reservoirs, many of which are located to capture snowmelt. Second,
runoff resulting from snowmelt is predicted to occur progressively
earlier in the year, and reservoirs operated for flood control
purposes must release water early in the season to protect against
later storms, thereby reducing the amount of early season snowmelt
that can be stored.
(c) Rainwater and stormwater, captured and properly managed, can
contribute significantly to local water supplies by infiltrating and
recharging groundwater aquifers, thereby increasing available
supplies of drinking water. In addition, the onsite capture, storage,
and use of rainwater for nonpotable uses significantly reduces
demand for potable water, contributing to the statutory objective of
a 20-percent reduction in urban per capita water use in California by
December 31, 2020.
(d) Expanding opportunities for rainwater capture to augment water
supply will require efforts at all levels, from individual
landowners to state and local agencies and watershed managers.