Section 10915 Of Part 2.10. Water Supply Planning To Support Existing And Planned Future Uses From California Water Code >> Division 6. >> Part 2.10.
. The County of San Diego is deemed to comply with this part
if the Office of Planning and Research determines that all of the
following conditions have been met:
(a) Proposition C, as approved by the voters of the County of San
Diego in November 1988, requires the development of a regional growth
management plan and directs the establishment of a regional planning
and growth management review board.
(b) The County of San Diego and the cities in the county, by
agreement, designate the San Diego Association of Governments as that
review board.
(c) A regional growth management strategy that provides for a
comprehensive regional strategy and a coordinated economic
development and growth management program has been developed pursuant
to Proposition C.
(d) The regional growth management strategy includes a water
element to coordinate planning for water that is consistent with the
requirements of this part.
(e) The San Diego County Water Authority, by agreement with the
San Diego Association of Governments in its capacity as the review
board, uses the association's most recent regional growth forecasts
for planning purposes and to implement the water element of the
(f) The procedures established by the review board for the
development and approval of the regional growth management strategy,
including the water element and any certification process established
to ensure that a project is consistent with that element, comply
with the requirements of this part.
(g) The environmental documents for a project located in the
County of San Diego include information that accomplishes the same
purposes as a water supply assessment that is prepared pursuant to
Section 10910.