Section 13906 Of Chapter 11. Discharges From Houseboats On Or In The Waters Of The State From California Water Code >> Division 7. >> Chapter 11.
. If a city or county fails to adopt an ordinance controlling
discharges of waste from houseboats within 120 days of receipt of the
regional board's notice pursuant to Section 13903, or fails to adopt
or modify such ordinance in the manner determined as necessary by
the regional board pursuant to Section 13905, within 90 days of
receipt of the regional board's notice, the regional board may adopt
regulations necessary for the control of discharges of waste from
houseboats for the area designated. Such regional board regulations
shall take effect 30 days from the date of their adoption and shall
be enforced by the city or county and have the same force and effect
as if adopted as a city or county ordinance.