Section 14956 Of Chapter 24. Shellfish Protection Act Of 1993 From California Water Code >> Division 7. >> Chapter 24.
. (a) Once the nature, sources, scope, and degree of the
pollution affecting a commercial shellfish growing area have been
determined, the regional board, with the advice of the local
technical advisory committee, shall order appropriate remedial
action, including the adoption of best management practices, to abate
the pollution affecting that area. The regional board shall monitor
water quality in the threatened area during the implementation of
pollution abatement measures to ensure that the measures are
effective and shall provide the results of the monitoring to the
technical advisory committee. The regional board shall give public
notice of any actions proposed for adoption.
(b) If agricultural sources of pollution have been identified as
contributing to the degradation of shellfish growing areas, the
regional board shall invite members of the local agricultural
community representing the type of agricultural discharge affecting
the local shellfish growing area, the local resource conservation
district, the local soil conservation service, the local agricultural
stabilization and conservation service, the cooperative extension of
the University of California, and affected shellfish growers to
develop and implement appropriate short- and long-term remediation
strategies that will lead to a reduction in the pollution affecting
the commercial shellfish growing area.