
Chapter 7. Madera Water District of California Water Code >> Division 13. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 7.

The Madera Water District created pursuant to the Madera Water District Act (Chapter 735 of the Statutes of 1987) is hereby continued as a district under this division.
(a) The first board of directors of the Madera Water District, as a district under this division, shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Madera.
  (b) The board of directors of the Madera Water District, as a district created pursuant to the Madera Water District Act (Chapter 735 of the Statutes of 1987) serving on December 31, 1992, shall continue to serve on and after January 1, 1993, until the first board of directors of the Madera Water District, as a district under this division, is appointed pursuant to subdivision (a).
  (c) The first board of directors of the Madera Water District, as a district under this division, that is appointed pursuant to subdivision (a) shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified.
The successors to three of the first directors of the Madera Water District, as a district under this division, chosen by lot, shall be elected at the general district election held on November 2, 1993, and the successors to the remaining two directors shall be elected at the general district election held on November 7, 1995.
The Madera Water District, as a district under this division, succeeds to actions taken, rights acquired, and obligations undertaken by the Madera Water District created pursuant to the Madera Water District Act (Chapter 735 of the Statutes of 1987).