
Section 36447.1 Of Chapter 4.95. Alternative Provisions For The Issuance Of Bonds Of Improvement Districts From California Water Code >> Division 13. >> Part 6. >> Chapter 4.95.

. Bonds for two or more improvement districts of the district may be issued and sold as consolidated bonds of the district in substantially the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as bonds of the entire district, subject to all of the following conditions:
  (a) The consolidated bonds shall specify the included amount of par value issued on behalf of each improvement district, and the remaining authorized bonds of each improvement district shall be reduced by its respective included amount so specified.
  (b) In advance of the sale of consolidated bonds, the board shall find that the sale of the included bonds as consolidated bonds shall not increase the cost that any improvement district will pay for its included bonds over the cost it would have paid had its bonds been sold separately.
  (c) The maximum portion of any assessment for the payment of each series of the consolidated bonds and the interest thereon that may be obtained from annual assessments to be levied upon and collected from lands within each improvement district shall be the proportion which the par value of the included bonds of the improvement district bears to the total par value of that series of the consolidated bonds.
  (d) The board shall include in the resolution providing for issuance of each series of consolidated bonds provisions to insure that assessments to be levied upon and collected from lands within each included improvement district shall be limited to the amount required to pay the improvement district's proportional share as determined under subdivision (c), except to the extent that provision for payment of that share has been made by the board, as may be permitted by law, and that the improvement district's share shall not be collected or paid for, or pledged to the payment of, any other included improvement district's proportional share.
  (e) The board shall include in the resolution providing for issuance of each series of consolidated bonds provisions to insure that the proceeds of the consolidated bonds disbursed into the fund provided for in Section 35998.1 are apportioned within the fund according to each included improvement district's share determined under subdivision (c), so that separate apportionments are accounted for and used for the purposes of the respective improvement districts in the manner contemplated by Section 36427.
  (f) The board shall include in the resolution providing for issuance of each series of consolidated bonds provisions to insure that any bond reserve fund established pursuant to Sections 35910 and 35911 is established proportionately for each of the included improvement districts and, to the extent the fund must be used, that moneys in the fund shall be disbursed only to the extent of the share apportioned therein to the improvement district on whose behalf it is disbursed, and that any charges or annual assessments used to establish the bond reserve fund shall be set aside within the bond reserve fund only to the account of the improvement district from which they were obtained.
  (g) If the consolidated bonds include provisions for redemption, the board shall also include in the resolution providing for issuance provisions to insure that any moneys collected from within the improvement districts to establish a redemption fund shall be limited to each improvement district's proportional share of the consolidated bonds as determined in subdivision (c).
  (h) The consolidated bonds shall be issued in the name of the district and, if general obligation bonds, shall be designated "Bonds of ____ Water District," and each bond shall state that it is issued on behalf of the included improvement districts whose respective shares of the par value shall be specified, and shall state that the assessment for payment thereof shall be limited to annual assessments to be levied upon and collected from the lands within each of the specified improvement districts in the stated proportions of the total par value, except to the extent that provision for that payment has been made by the board as may be permitted by law.