Section 60410 Of Chapter 2. Exclusion From California Water Code >> Division 18. >> Part 7. >> Chapter 2.
. The board of any district, by resolution, may initiate
proceedings for the exclusion of territory from such district. Such
resolution shall describe the boundaries of the area proposed to be
excluded, shall state that neither the persons nor property within
the area proposed to be excluded benefit directly or indirectly from
the use of or right to use the ground water supplies within the
district and the replenishment thereof, shall require all persons
interested in the proposed exclusion to appear before the board and
be heard as to why said area should not be so excluded, shall fix the
time of the meeting of the board at which the persons so interested
will be heard, and shall direct the secretary of the district to give
notice thereof. The secretary thereupon shall cause the text of said
resolution and a notice of the time and place of said hearing to be
published in the district pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government
Code. Publication shall be complete at least seven, but not more than
28, days before the time so fixed for the hearing.